
Productions for Multiple Learning levels!

We inspire, entertain, and challenge both young performers and audiences of all ages with invigorating pieces, from classics to new works. We celebrate our diversity and the essential power of the arts to illuminate our common humanity.

All of our Studio Wayne educators are skilled, experienced professionals who hold degrees within their fields of expertise.


• Sensory Friendly, Professional Productions suitable for multiple learning levels!
• A self-contained show. We will load-in 2 hours before the performance. Breakdown is less than an hour after the show
• All Shows will include a Q&A with optional workshop add-ons
• Study Guides• Social Stories sent a week prior to the performance
• Competitive Pricing Structure


A Midsummer Night's Dream (AEP - ReperTOURy) (Morning Performance)
Grades 3-12
April 23, 2025 9:30 AM

ARTS EDUCATION PROGRAM (For Students Grades 3-12)

In A MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM, the real and fairy worlds collide. This sea-son, let Shakespeare’s enchanting comedy transport you! Dive into a magical forest where love, mischief, and transformation abound as two young couples and a troupe of amateur actors fall prey to the whims of fairies.

Possible Workshop Add-ons:

Elizabethan dance, Combat, Rhetoric, Status (4)

‍Unit Categories:

Listening strategies, Contextual clues to interpret unfamiliar words, Fairytales and fables, British literature, Analysis, Interpretation, Evaluating theatre arts, Critical thinking and evaluation, Social emotional learning, Classic literature

All shows have an approximate 50-Minute runtime.

All tickets:  $15

A Midsummer Night's Dream (AEP - ReperTOURy) (Afternoon Performance)
Grades 3-12
April 23, 2025 12:00 PM

ARTS EDUCATION PROGRAM (For Students Grades 3-12)

In A MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM, the real and fairy worlds collide. This sea-son, let Shakespeare’s enchanting comedy transport you! Dive into a magical forest where love, mischief, and transformation abound as two young couples and a troupe of amateur actors fall prey to the whims of fairies.

Possible Workshop Add-ons:

Elizabethan dance, Combat, Rhetoric, Status (4)

‍Unit Categories:

Listening strategies, Contextual clues to interpret unfamiliar words, Fairytales and fables, British literature, Analysis, Interpretation, Evaluating theatre arts, Critical thinking and evaluation, Social emotional learning, Classic literature

All shows have an approximate 50-Minute runtime.

All tickets:  $15



In this workshop, students will learn about different types of theatrical puppets, their uses on the theatrical process, and try out some of their own design!

So much more than simile and metaphor, Elizabethan writers used hundreds of rhetorical devices to help both their characters and the performers bringing them to life! Identify these in the play you just saw and find modern connections everywhere from The Grinch to pop music to Marvel movies!

Before the big-top style clowning that we know now, was the OG clowning: Commedia dell’Arte. Join Wayne Teaching artists in this engaging workshop bring all sorts of clowning tropes to the stage!

Some places on stage have more power, some characters on stage have more power, this workshop gets students on their feet and explains power dynamics on stage and in society that helps make your acting choices as strong as possible!

Pantomime is the art of telling a story without words, we see this in our everyday life (body language, Tom and Jerry Cartoons and Pixar shorts, etc.) In this workshop students learn how this “universal language” can be used in everyday life and for theatrical storytelling!

Courtly dance has more in common with the Cupid Shuffle than you would think! Students learn the rules of courtly dance, from the bows, to the different geometric patterns and shapes in this hands on (and feet in) workshop!

The only fight where the victim is in control. Trained teaching artists walk students through the basics and illusion of hand to hand combat for the stage. This workshop is recommended for Middle school and up.

*The Teaching Artist reserves the right to “bench” any participant who is participating in an unsafe way.

To Book
Call 540.943.9999

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Call: 540-943-9999
(Tues. and Thurs. 10am to 2pm)
Email: education@waynetheatre.org

The Wayne Theatre is also supported by the National Endowment for the Arts and the Virginia Commission for the Arts.
The Wayne Theatre is a VCA and VDH Passport Program participant, providing free or discounted tickets (based on availability) to (WIC) EBT cardholders for select shows and events produced by the Wayne Theatre. Contact us for assistance or more information.
We regularly hold open Auditions. Learn More