Learn the tricks of makeup!
Embrace your macabre and gross out your friends with special effects horror tricks! Students will learn special FX makeup skills to create realistic looking lacerations, burns, bruises, wounds and other gory calamities (Zombies welcome).
Class registration fee includes cost of supplies.
Session meets Monday through Friday, July 21-25, 2025, from 1pm to 3pm.
Class location is at our Studio Wayne building, just up the hill from the Wayne Theatre.
Scholarships are available. Please email Corey Holmes, Director of Education for more information.
Multi Class/multi siblings discounts are also available. Please contact our Box Office at 540-943-9999 to register for more than one class or sibling at a time.
A fee of $6 will be added to registration at the time of purchase. ($3 for Historic Preservation of the Wayne and $3 for Ticket Handling) Thank you!
**Please note if the class does not reach our minimum enrollment, we may have to cancel this class.**