
Become a Partner in the Arts

Our Contributors love the arts and annually support The Wayne.  As a Partner in the Arts member, you’ll enjoy an “inside scoop” on performances before they’re announced to the general public, among other great benefits. Your support improves the quality of life in our community.

View Membership Levels

Make a Gift to Support the Arts
Your one-time donation promotes artistic, cultural, and educational opportunities and the economic vitality of Waynesboro and the adjacent region through the operation and preservation of the Ross Performing Arts Center at the historic Wayne Theatre as a performing arts/conference facility.

Make a Gift of Securities or Appreciated Stock
We accept donations of commonly held, publicly traded stocks, bonds, or mutual funds. The easiest way for you to make these gifts is through an electronic transfer from your brokerage account to The Wayne’s brokerage account at Edward Jones. If you need The Wayne’s information for an electronic transfer of funds please call us at 540-942-9645, or email books@waynetheatre.org.

Sponsor a Show or Production
Make your mark and make a difference by sponsoring a movie, a performance, or a production at the Wayne.  To learn more, please call us at
540-942-9645, or email books@waynetheatre.org.

Naming Opportunities
Inscribe a Brick

The Brick Campaign provides a unique opportunity to support the Wayne Theatre and leave your legacy through the purchase of engraved bricks installed in the theatre's front entrance. The tax-deductible bricks are $250.00 each. They are 4″ x 8" and will display your specially chosen message.   You may add your name or the name of a friend, colleague, loved one, or organization. Bricks are a great opportunity to celebrate special accomplishments or honor a loved one. For more information about our brick campaign, please call 540-943-9999.

Naming Opportunities
Inscribe a Seat

This is an excellent opportunity to leave an indelible mark on the historic Wayne Theatre by naming a seat for you, your spouse, your children or grandchildren, a friend, a colleague, the memory of a loved one, or your company.

With your tax-deductible gift to the Wayne Theatre's seat campaign, we will have a name plaque engraved and installed on one of the 350 seats in the Wayne Theatre. For years to come,  audience members will be reminded of your support to make the Wayne Theatre an outstanding setting for noteworthy performances and events.




Experience the magic that only live performances can offer.

Explore our upcoming shows. Book your tickets early and secure your spot in the audience!

We regularly hold open Auditions. Learn More